Friday 11 May 2012

माझे पुस्तक मयूरमासा

माझे पुस्तक * मयूरमासा *महाराश्ट्र साहित्या संस्क्रुति मंडलातर्फे प्रसिद्ध झाले
मायबोलि प्रकाशनातर्फे 
वाचुन बघा 


Anthropologists sugest a weak link between birds fishes and reptiles in the evolution chain, say fish and bird , that is peacock and a fish combined.
Similarly There is a thin line demarking dreams from reality. Mayurmasa are thoise ambitions, dreams and  halucinations in the life of an artist
prakashkacha phone -०२२२४९४५६१५

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