Friday 7 September 2012


Pollution                                                       Shubhangi Paseband

Friend, can we discuss about pollution today?


Pollution can be defined as addition of waste materials, to water, air and land, which deteriorates its natural quality. Pollution is a necessary evil, which is a side effect of development. The reasons being the Industrialization, excessive use of machines and chemicals, increase in population colonization of humans and increasing demand of habitats for them.

It is not the need of man that kills environment it is greed of mankind which is harmful. It is not that man is not aware of harms of pollution but he ignores the resultant pollution.
Pollution can be classified by physical form of pollutant that is by wastes, which are
By radiation or

Traditionally accepted classification was
Water pollution
Air pollution
Soil pollution, but modern classification is on the subject which is affected by pollution

1. Pollution by solid
Industrial waste produces large amount of solid waste products, ashes. Discarded Building material, domestic garbage, decaying plant and animal waste. By law of conservation of mass the material used by man is recycled and turns in waste product. Man tries to burn, bury, flush the waste but it remains in another form.
Plastic is non-biodegradable and cannot be disposed posing a serious harm to environment. Biodegradable material is slowly degraded but in this process harmful foul smelling gases are generated and waste still remains. Dumping grounds have tons of garbage and sewage for disposal and pollutants are added thru the ground. Accidental fires also take place.

2. Pollution by liquid
Sewage disposal, industrial, chemical waste disposed in nallahs, rivers and sea are a threat to environment. Though soil, ground these wastes enter drinking water, Mercury levels that increase in the water are eaten by organisms in aqua medium. When consumed as food it may kill fish by slow poisoning. If animals or humans eat such mercury-contaminated fish, they may fall sick or die. Many marine species have residual chemical traces of endrin, benzene hexachloride etc. Polluted water takes toll of human health. The oil spill or oily by products when disposed in sea form thin layer on surface of water and the aquatic living things can not take Oxygen from air, this has lead to high decline of marine flora and fauna.

3. Pollution by gaseous wastes
Many chemical wastes are ejected in air. Due to loss of green cover of earth, hacking of trees air balance is disturbed. Smoke and exhaust gases from vehicles, chimneys, and factories cause pollution, produce smog (Smoke plus fog)
Carbon monoxide causes respiratory diseases and serious body disorders. Cutting of trees have increased CO2 percentage in air. As recycling of CO2 is reduced, air quality is seriously harmed. Untimely rain, imbalance of nature, floods , droughts tsunamis, loss of vegetation are the effects of air pollution.
Increase in population has increased demand of habitat and as such forest covers are cut to build houses and underwater currents are disturbed.

4. Pollution by radiation
Leakage of some radioactive wastes or byproducts is observed; radioactive waste added to environment is harmful. Strontium90, caseiun137 are found in traces in oceans. Global warming is the threat to our earth.

5. Noise pollution
Noise of moving vehicles, mechanical parts, loudspeakers, supersonic aircrafts, ear phones, DJ cause noise beyond permissible decibels.

All pollutions weaken systems of human body. Loss of energy. Hypertension, diabetes, cancers and allergies, deafness, restlessness, insomnia

6. What we can do?

So friends, plant more trees
Plan your family to reduce population explosion. Motivate other illiterate to restrict their family
Use renewable energy sources, wind energy , solar energy

Recycle and reduce wastes।
I hope I comunicated with you sincerely. sometimes distance between two persons in comunication is the longest one. If i could not communicate properly, forgive me but take a step towards environment protection.

Take care!

If you have more suggestions please convey,


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